Monday 13 June 2016

Cycle of Life...

While walking my dog, Tuppi, this morning I noticed the flowers pictured above growing in my neighbours front lawn and was reminded once again of the cycle seen everywhere in our world.

From seemingly nothing something arises reaches full expression then ends.

This cycle can be seen in all things man made and all things in nature, in an idea, a project, a day and a life.

Trying to deny or fight against the cycle leads to feelings of anger, grief, sadness, worry or regret. Like when a loved one passes, a relationship ends or a project concludes before we're ready to let it go. We can feel stuck and imbalanced while we try to hang on to what was, not sure of ourselves, our purpose or our path.

But if we can learn to accept the cycle, letting go of the things that are blocking our acceptance and ideally even take some personal meaning from the process then we can start to move on to find our happiness, love, benevolence and peace once again.

Wishing you health, harmony & happiness
:) Kylie

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