Monday, 13 June 2016

Defensive Listening

Do you listen to respond, to instruct, to correct or do you listen to hear?

Often we listen defensively - to defend ourselves or others, to defend our ideas, our values or our beliefs.

We listen to have an opinion on what is being said so we can reply in agreeance or opposition, to support the speaker, to give advice, to let them know where they are right or wrong.

Sometimes this may be what the speaker is seeking - backup, support, constructive criticism or guidance, but often the speaker just wants to feelheard.

So today try to listen and just hear what someone else is saying. Silence your own judgement, opinions, advice and reflex replies. Stop listening to the voice in your head and really tune in to the voice of the speaker. Then show them that you heard them, show them that you understood and valued what they said (this can be as easy as saying "yeah I really hear what you're saying, it sounds like you feel ….… ").

How different does it feel to listen in this way? 

How different would it feel to be heard in this way?

Why not try it with a partner, friend, family member or workmate. Take it in turns to really listen to one another and see how it feels to truly listen and truly be heard.

And please if you don't have anyone in your life that you believe will truly listen to you and you feel a need to be heard give us a call on 0412 335 720 - we love to listen.

In health, harmony & happiness

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