"A man's goodness is truly measured by what he is, not by what he does."
This quote is from a novel I'm currently reading, and loving, by Deepak Chopra (who knew he wrote novels???).
The words are said by Merlin in response to King Arthur asking him what he should do to be a good King.
"There is nothing you need to do to be a good king", Merlin said
"A man's goodness is truly measured by what he is, not by what he does."
"A man's goodness is truly measured by what he is, not by what he does."
Often our lives revolve around what we do and what we need to get done. When we meet someone new we usually get asked "what do you do?", or people we know will often ask "what have you been doing lately?" but rarely, if ever, do we get asked what we are.
So that's my question for you today - What are you?
Happy ponderings

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