Many, many years ago I was watching Oprah interview Madonna and the following discussion (as best as I can recall it) really stuck with me.
Oprah: "What is the most important thing you are going to teach your daughter?"
Madonna: "Self-respect."
Oprah: "And what are you going to teach her about men?"
- here the audience giggled a bit, Madonna smiled slightly and responded with
- here the audience giggled a bit, Madonna smiled slightly and responded with
"If I teach her self-respect, I don't have to teach her anything about men."
I loved her answers then and I still love them now.
If you were asked the same question what would you reply? And if, like me, you don't have children what would you teach your child self?
In health, harmony & happiness

I loved her answers then and I still love them now.
If you were asked the same question what would you reply? And if, like me, you don't have children what would you teach your child self?
In health, harmony & happiness

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