Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Quick Quote

Just wanted to share a quote that got me thinking this week...
"We are possessed by our possessions,
consumed by that which we consume."
 ~ Duane Elgin

How true is this for you?
What are you possessed or consumed by?

Wishing you a joyful week.

In health, harmony and happiness

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

I just want to BE HAPPY!

How often have you heard someone say "I just want to be happy"?
How often have you said it yourself?

It's a common desire and one you would think, living in this beautiful land of plenty, we would be able to achieve. However, for many people happiness is illusive. Sure we may have fleeting moments of happiness and future happy times we look forward to, but overall, day to day, how happy are you?

On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being extremely happy) where would rate your happiness? 
Now to clarify here I'm not asking about "facebook happiness", i.e. the outward portrayal of you having an enjoyable life, I'm talking about real happiness, when you're on your own with no distraction or mask - how happy are you?

Now using the same scale how happy are you with the following:
                - your job
                - your relationships
                - your family life
                - your financial situation
                - your self

Asking questions is the first step to finding answers. So if you find yourself saying "I just want to be happy" take this further by asking yourself questions about happiness, what it means for you and how you can bring it into your being.    

Wishing you health, harmony & happiness

If this blog resonated with you and you "Just want to be happy" then please join "The Happy Bunch" - a weekly group that meets every Thursday for discussion, activities, self exploration, friendship and outings.

The group will implement ideas from the book'The Happiness Equation'  
by Bridget Grenville-Cleave and Ilona Boniwell, Ph.D.

If you'd like more information or to join please visit the Facebook group
or email me

I look forward to seeing you there :)

Monday, 13 June 2016

Defensive Listening

Do you listen to respond, to instruct, to correct or do you listen to hear?

Often we listen defensively - to defend ourselves or others, to defend our ideas, our values or our beliefs.

We listen to have an opinion on what is being said so we can reply in agreeance or opposition, to support the speaker, to give advice, to let them know where they are right or wrong.

Sometimes this may be what the speaker is seeking - backup, support, constructive criticism or guidance, but often the speaker just wants to feelheard.

So today try to listen and just hear what someone else is saying. Silence your own judgement, opinions, advice and reflex replies. Stop listening to the voice in your head and really tune in to the voice of the speaker. Then show them that you heard them, show them that you understood and valued what they said (this can be as easy as saying "yeah I really hear what you're saying, it sounds like you feel ….… ").

How different does it feel to listen in this way? 

How different would it feel to be heard in this way?

Why not try it with a partner, friend, family member or workmate. Take it in turns to really listen to one another and see how it feels to truly listen and truly be heard.

And please if you don't have anyone in your life that you believe will truly listen to you and you feel a need to be heard give us a call on 0412 335 720 - we love to listen.

In health, harmony & happiness

"A man's goodness is truly measured by what he is, not by what he does." 

This quote is from a novel I'm currently reading, and loving, by Deepak Chopra (who knew he wrote novels???).

The words are said by Merlin in response to King Arthur asking him what he should do to be a good King.
"There is nothing you need to do to be a good king", Merlin said
"A man's goodness is truly measured by what he is, not by what he does."
Often our lives revolve around what we do and what we need to get done. When we meet someone new we usually get asked "what do you do?", or people we know will often ask "what have you been doing lately?" but rarely, if ever, do we get asked what we are.
So that's my question for you today - What are you?

Happy ponderings

Cycle of Life...

While walking my dog, Tuppi, this morning I noticed the flowers pictured above growing in my neighbours front lawn and was reminded once again of the cycle seen everywhere in our world.

From seemingly nothing something arises reaches full expression then ends.

This cycle can be seen in all things man made and all things in nature, in an idea, a project, a day and a life.

Trying to deny or fight against the cycle leads to feelings of anger, grief, sadness, worry or regret. Like when a loved one passes, a relationship ends or a project concludes before we're ready to let it go. We can feel stuck and imbalanced while we try to hang on to what was, not sure of ourselves, our purpose or our path.

But if we can learn to accept the cycle, letting go of the things that are blocking our acceptance and ideally even take some personal meaning from the process then we can start to move on to find our happiness, love, benevolence and peace once again.

Wishing you health, harmony & happiness
:) Kylie

Childhood lessons

Many, many years ago I was watching Oprah interview Madonna and the following discussion (as best as I can recall it) really stuck with me.
Oprah: "What is the most important thing you are going to teach your daughter?"
Madonna: "Self-respect."
Oprah: "And what are you going to teach her about men?"

- here the audience giggled a bit, Madonna smiled slightly and responded with
"If I teach her self-respect, I don't have to teach her anything about men."

I loved her answers then and I still love them now.

If you were asked the same question what would you reply? And if, like me, you don't have children what would you teach your child self?

In health, harmony & happiness