What are your fears and where do they come from?
Have you ever wondered why different people fear different things or why the presence of a harmless spider can bring a grown man to run in the opposite direction while a child can happily handle that same spider?
There are 2 types of fears:
1. Those we are born with - falling and loud noises
2. Those we learn along the way - everything else
2. Those we learn along the way - everything else
So it stands to reason that if we learnt almost all our fears then surely we can unlearn them.
There are as many different ways to overcome fears as there are fears themselves, however, all start with the same thing - acknowledgement of the fear and a desire to change it.
Sounds simple but many things may get in the way like thoughts that our fears keep us safe or that fearless = reckless. Fears can also be an excuse to not try new things and keep us in our comfort zone.
Next time you're letting fear hold you back ask yourself -
"Where does this fear come from?"
"How do I believe it keeps me safe?"
"Is what I believe about this fear true or is it False Evidence Appearing Real?"
then trust in your wisdom, knowledge and the understanding of consequence to keep you safe. "How do I believe it keeps me safe?"
"Is what I believe about this fear true or is it False Evidence Appearing Real?"
And remember as Franklin D Roosevelt said
"the only thing to fear is fear itself".
In health, harmony & happiness
Reclaim Wellness
KINESIOLOGY for Mind, Body & Spirit
Phone: 0412 335 720

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