Thursday, 3 September 2015

Hooray for Spring

Spring is here and this month is a perfect time to start planning and actioning all those wonderful projects and changes you had running through your head during winter.

Use the energy of new life surrounding you to give birth to your ideas, hopes and dreams and start the process of creating the new life for yourself that you've imagined.

But remember don't get too stuck on any one plan or idea, be flexible and go with the flow. Instead of being totally focused on the end result why not enjoy the process along the way. To help you achieve this enjoyment try letting go of judgement of self, of others, of situation and of outcomes. Get out in nature whenever you can and notice how it to has a plan for growth and renewal but also see how adaptable it is. 

For this season of new beginnings, development and growth strive to be like a growing seedling - plant some sturdy roots down into the earth, grow tall and strong and branch out. Don't get angry at the sun if it's not shining as brightly as you want  or annoyed at the rain for not falling, don't get frustrated at yourself if you're not growing as quickly as you think you should or judge yourself for not providing the shade you had hoped for. Instead sway with the breeze, enjoy and appreciate each moment.

Yours in health, harmony & happiness
Kylie & Leanne

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