Ever wondered why we make wishes on dandelions?
A book* I read recently provided this answer...
"Hundreds of years ago people used to eat the green leaves
of the dandelion plant because they are extremely high in vitamins,
which gave it its Latin name, which translates as the
'official cure of all ills', so people see them as good luck
and now make their wishes on the seeds."
* 'If you could see me now ' ~ Cecelia Ahern
of the dandelion plant because they are extremely high in vitamins,
which gave it its Latin name, which translates as the
'official cure of all ills', so people see them as good luck
and now make their wishes on the seeds."
* 'If you could see me now ' ~ Cecelia Ahern
So my wish for you today is that you find a dandelion to wish upon that cures all your ills.
In health, harmony & happiness

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