Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Letting Go

The autumn months are related to the Metal element in Chinese 5 Element Theory.

The metal element is all about letting go, it's about deciding what we value and discarding anything that's no longer in our best interest. This is evident in the organs related to the metal element, the lungs and large intestines, both of which take things into the body keeping what is valuable and useful and discarding what is not needed.

It's a time to rid ourselves of anything unnecessary (emotions, objects, memories, thoughts, behaviours) and to shine up what we now value to it's highest expression.

If you think in nature's terms it's the time of year when a tree draws back nutrients from it's leaves and allows them to fall. It may look cold and harsh from the outside but a lot of self care and inner reflection is going on. The tree is preparing itself to survive the winter so it can bloom and thrive again in the spring.

Or as another example in the construction of a building metal time is when the project is complete and the remaining material and rubbish are cleared away - this clearing away allows for the true nature of the building to be seen*.

The same goes for us if we do not clear away that which is no longer needed our metal will remain dulled or tarnished and our true nature, our true self can not shine.

So the beginning of Autumn is the ideal time to ask yourself:

Is there anything I need to let go of?

What in my life is tarnishing me?

What is keeping me from looking inside, connecting to my true self and letting that true self shine?

We will be addressing these questions more over the coming weeks on this blog along with covering things like What do I need to let go of and why? How do I let go? and What do I do now?

Or if you'd like to work on this more directly please come to our  
March Workshop  "Letting Go"
Thursday 19 March 6 - 8pm.

For more info and to book please go to

Yours in health, harmony and happiness
Kylie and Leanne

* The tree and construction examples come from Gail Reichstein's book "wood becomes water - Chinese Medicine in Everyday Life"
Copyright © 2015 Reclaim Wellness, All rights reserved.

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