Sunday, 11 January 2015

How's your New Year's Resolution going? Have you forgotten about it already? 
Tried it before and it didn't stick?  
Could it be that you haven't hit on the actual thing that you really want?

To increase your chance of success this year try to answer the 3 questions below.
If you can gain a thorough understanding of why you want to achieve a goal and the perceived benefits you will reap you can start to focus on those specific underlying desires instead of concentrating so much on one thing and one outcome.

Why do I want these things?
What do they truly give me?
Is it the things themselves that I want or do I really want how they make me feel?

For example:
'I want to lose weight'
Q1. Why do you want to lose weight? 'So I look better in my clothes'
Q2.What does looking better in your clothes truly give you? 'It makes me feel more confident when I go out, it gives me more self esteem'
Q3. So is it the confidence and self esteem that you really desire? If it is maybe look at other ways to build your confidence and self esteem don't just focus on your weight or how you look. Focusing on one goal that will not be attainable for some time can cause feelings of disappointment and failure in the present which, in the above example will do nothing to build self esteem and confidence, in fact it could leave you feeling worse.

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