Sunday, 15 November 2015

Feeling Stuck?


Then ask yourself "What's my glue?"

What keeps you stuck - your job, your relationships, your mortgage, your self?

Are your thoughts, feeling, attitudes and behaviours keeping you stuck?

Are you unsure, unmotivated or uninspired?

Is fear your glue, has fear got you frozen in place?

Spend a moment pondering this today because if we don't know what is keeping us stuck we'll never know how to become unstuck!

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Are you Indecisive? Yes, No, Maybe, Sometimes...

Are you indecisive?
I guess if you are you would have difficulty answering that question.
But seriously even if we don't label ourselves as indecisive in general, there are time in our lives when we all struggle to make decisions - big or small, important or insignificant.

We can decide on the spur of the moment to make a major change in our life but we can also spend over an hour trying to decide what to wear. There can be periods in our life when every decision comes easily or where every choice is painstakingly overthought and difficult. Or you may be someone who makes important, snap decisions all day at work but when it comes to your personal life you second guess everything.

What's going on with us during those times of indecision? What changes?

Factors that influence the decision making process include -
                 * predicted outcomes / benefits
                 * impact on self and others
                 * confidence
                 * possiblities / resources

We usually make choices that we believe will benefit ourselves and/or others, that we feel confident in doing and that are possible to achieve with the resources we have available to us.

So when we are struggling to make a decision there is uncertainty in at least one of these areas, and this uncertainty stems from fear.
Fear of  - making the wrong choice
               - hurting ourselves or others
               - not having enough (time, money, knowledge etc)
               - embarrassment / judgement
               - rejection

Fear that we may not benefit from the outcome of our decisions.

How to overcome the fear...
Try to ease the pressure on yourself when you're feeling indecisive by reminding yourself that no decision guarantees an outcome. If the decision you make does not create the result you desired decide to try something new.

Don't be too attached to any decision, instead make the choice that feels right for you and let that play out, go with the flow and decide how you choose to react to whatever arises (this is truly all you have control over anyway).

And remember if it feels too hard to make a decision so you end up do nothing instead - deciding to do nothing is still a decision that you've made.