Sunday, 19 April 2015


What is the relationship between grief, guilt and value?

So if you're feeling grief or guilt think about what value has been lost and try to come up with new ways to bring that value back in to your life.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Lost your focus?

Here are 3 quick questions, how long you spend on the answers is up to you...
What do you value most in your life?

What do you value about yourself?

Does the way you live reflect the answer you just gave?

I hope you take the time to give this some honest and deep thought because...

If you need assistance to reconnect with your true value we can help with kinesiology balances, online consultations, monthly workshops (in clinic or online) and wellness products. Please contact us on 0412 335 720 or email or to find out more about us check out our website

Wishing you health, harmony and happiness

#value #worth #spirit #trueself #love #truth